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impact Hub Inverness


Business Plan and Feasibility Study

We were commissioned by Balmacara Community Hall to assess the feasibility of restoring the Old Mill Hall in Balmacara into a community building. Here's what Mike Shucksmith, the Chair, had to say about working with Impact Hub Inverness!

Please describe the work Impact Hub Inverness has done with your organisation
"The Impact Hub were commissioned, as a part of our Architectural Heritage Fund grant, to look to the potential of our historic but derelict Old Mill Hall in Balmacara alongside our chosen architects.

This work was to include community and stakeholder consultation, a Feasibility Study for the redevelopment with design options and their appraisal.

Finally, the completion of a Business Plan for our preferred option with financial appraisal and forecast".

How has this work helped your organisation and benefited the community you support?
"Working with the Impact Hub has enabled us to make informed choices during our progress with the redevelopment.
Professionally conducted consultation along with competent report writing was completed with efficiency and accuracy. This allowed our Committee to make more confident decisions from independently conducted reviews".

How did you find the quality of work and client interaction whilst working with Impact Hub Inverness?
"The work quality was very good indeed.
Our Feasibility Study and Business Plan were completed on time and with carefully conducted research and evaluation. 

Discussions about these documents were hosted by the Impact Hub and allowed our committee to question areas of work and also contribute to the documents, establishing comprehensive reference and informative proposals.

Describe working with Impact Hub Inverness in 3 words!
 "We found the Impact Hub approachable, competent and professional."

Is there anything else you would like to add?
"We look forward to working with the Impact Hub on the next stage of our project which we hope will see the Hall redeveloped and brought back into the community as a social gathering space as well as Maker Space"

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